Thursday, August 28, 2008



There was a time when, in my frailty,
I used to ask to be set free from any pain,
for suffering can be terrible, indeed,
and give us a taste of hell . . . .

I know that, left to myself,
I would end up crushed by the pains,
the frustrations and failures of life.
You know what it is to be burdened with weights
that seem to crush us, as it happened to you
in the garden of Olives.
You know what it is to be nailed mercilessly
and to be raised as a target of insults and hatred.

But I know, too, as you know,
that suffering can also raise people up,
up to untold heights of greatness and glory.

I know that with your help, Lord Jesus,
I can bear even the heaviest cross for a long stretch,
for as long as you walk by my side and support me.

This is why I pray to you, my suffering Savior,
“Give me strength to carry the crosses of life,
following in your footsteps, with humility and love,
for this is what makes them redeeming crosses.
For this is what it means to be a disciple.”

Then, when healed and strengthened
by your grace and example,

I will also be strong enough
to be like Simon of Cyrene

and give a hand to those around me
who stumble and groan

under the burden of their crosses.

I will be for them what you have been for me.
And together with them, we will walk the roads of life

with unwavering hope, looking forward to the day
When all crosses borne with love
will be changed into beams of light,
thanks to your Cross that gives meaning to all.